Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Story - August 2003

This is the story of the most difficult time of our lives. May the telling of it bring hope to others and help me to heal.

8/1/03 Friday 12 noon

I remembered that we took two loads of stuff to the dump on Saturday, March 15 and Phil’s knee started hurting on Tuesday, March 18. I also remember a bad scratch on his arm. I told Dr. H.’s nurse. Who knows? Maybe it’s significant. They are looking for strange diseases now. It seems like he has three things going on – anemia, joint swelling, and infection – which may or may not be related. The physical therapy guy said his feet definitely looked better today. There is new tissue growing, which is really important. William said that we might never get a diagnosis because the antibiotics will mask things. I’m glad I remembered about the dump. They’re about to take him for an endoscopy to try to find out about the internal bleeding.

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything. Phil. 4:5-6

7 pm

I took a nap this afternoon and woke up in a bad anxiety attack. It happens before I am fully conscious. I was so scared to go the hospital but once I got here, I found him doing well. He is in good spirits and the endoscopy went well and showed gastroenteritis, which isn’t a terrible thing. He is awake and watching TV and I think his feet look better. The oozing places definitely look better, but that might just be due to the whirlpool treatments getting the bad stuff off. It looks like it’s going to be a non-eventful weekend. I would like that for a change. The last two weekends have been sheer terror as he would grow progressively worse and then end up in the hospital on Monday.

A couple of hours ago, the helicopter came to take a baby to Little Rock. It was here for 45 minutes before it finally took off. That poor mother! Compared to her, our problems are not that bad. I’m so grateful that our children are OK.

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