Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taking a Break

I'm taking a break from posting about our medical/spiritual journey and posting something current.

I've got a million things to do! So why am I writing instead? Because it helps settle my spirit so that I can move through my day peacefully.

For a while now, I have been posting entries from my "book" which are simply journal entries which have been selected and edited. It is the story of Phil's medical crisis which began in 2003. There is a counter that tells me how many times the page has been visited. It appears that I am the only one visiting my blog and that is only to post daily. It is discouraging that no one cares about my story, especially because it's a little scary to share from my heart. But probably they don't even know my blog exists. I could "tell" them on facebook but I'm not sure I want all my friends to read it. I will keep on posting (and it should take a year or more) but it feels lonely right now.

When God tells us to give thanks for the hard stuff, He doesn't mean to thank Him that one day it will all be over, which is what I tend to do. I'm trying to do better. When I thank Him (the right way) for the hard stuff, I have found that He begins to show me how He can use it for good and that changes my perspective and then it's easier to thank Him. It's like an upward spiral.

OK, now I will go and get on with my day.

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