Monday, October 25, 2010


I am so sick and tired of Halloween everything!!! This happens every year. I read that it is now the number 2 most commercial holiday of the year. It brings in tons on money and even the churches have embraced it.

Because of the legalism that God has been setting me free from, I asked Him what He thought about Halloween ... And, while I was at it, about Christians practicing yoga, because I have been wrong about so many things. First of all, He showed me how much He loves His children, even those who are doing these things. That is first and most important - I am not to judge anyone just because they think and do things differently than me.

This morning on the way to work, I started asking myself whether or not Jesus would celebrate Halloween. If He was here on the earth, would He go to the Halloween parties given by area churches, would He dress up in a costume, carve a pumpkin, etc.?

When I asked myself those questions, the answer became clear for me. I don't believe that Jesus would participate in a celebration of evil and to me, that's what it is - a celebration of evil. I believe that spiritual forces of evil really do exist and they are opposed to God. And I cannot in good conscience practice yoga either, since it springs from Hinduism, a religion where they worship false gods.

So I have my answers - for me, these things are detestable and I want no part of them, but I am not to judge other believers who participate in them. Which leaves me feeling down ... I'll be glad when this week is over.

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