Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Thoroughly Wonderful Day

Jesse and I went to Rogers for Gabe's birthday and we brought their new dog to them. Eva picked out a dog from a pug rescue website, only to discover that she was actually located in a foster home close to us, so we offered to bring her up there to them. She is a very nice, sweet dog and really liked Jesse a lot because he held her most of the way. She made the trip up there more fun. The boys loved her and she was good with them. Eva loved her too and even Kevin bonded with her. They named her Ginger and then Alex started calling her Gingerbread, so that’s her official name.

Everything went well and was a lot of fun. Eva and I managed to get away for a bit and went to a cross stitch store that I heard about on my message board. It was really nice. On the way home, Jesse and I got into some spiritual discussions that were deep. I love being with my kids. They are deep thinkers and a lot of fun too. I enjoy their company tremendously.

Gabe is walking everywhere like he’s been doing it forever but he only started within the last two weeks. He smiles all the time, yet he makes it known when he’s not happy with something. He communicates very well. It’s hard to believe that a year ago, he was still inside of Eva. Alex and I seem to have a better relationship each time I see him. He is easy and pleasant to talk to and is very well-behaved now. He knows how to have fun and yet he seems more affectionate the past few months. I love them both so much. They are the joy of my life. Life just gets better and better as the kids get older. It’s so hard when they are young but sometimes I wish I had more of them because it’s so much fun when they’re older. It is so true what the Bible says - children are a blessing and a reward.

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