Saturday, May 22, 2010


As of last week, my job has been cut down to part-time until next January, when the next tax season begins, and I am going to try to post more regularly. For some reason this year, this is a huge adjustment - probably because we are also adjusting to Phil being on disability permanently. The hardest part for me is never ever being able to be home alone anymore.

It's a relief to have more time to get the basic things done, such as grocery shopping and mowing the yard, but I also hope to get some other things done around the house too. I hope to eventually have some sort of schedule to help myself become more disciplined in order to accomplish some things. I would like to fit in two times of exercise each day instead of only one and I would like to write more. I have started to bake some and am going to try freezing things, such as dinners and baked goods, because I bought a sweet little chest freezer and I want to learn how to make good use of it before next tax season.

I saw something cool on the Internet the other day. You can take plastic Walmart bags and crochet them into sleeping mats. Evidently people are bringing these to third world countries where the people love then because bugs hate the mats and after it rains, the mats dry out quickly. I want to start one and work on it a little each week, as I obtain the bags. I love the idea of turning our trash into something useful.

Inspired by my daughter, who has a huge container garden, I decided to try some patio tomatoes. I had a 5-gallon bucket that someone gave me, drilled holes in the bottom, put rocks in it, then some newspaper (to hold the soil), and a mixture of potting soil and potting mix. I found really nice plants at Lowe's and got a cherry tomato and a Better Boy. I hope this works because there is nothing like fresh tomatoes.

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