Sunday, May 23, 2010


An Internet friend who designs cross stitch said she is sending me a goody box filled with smaller pieces of cross stitch fabric (that I can use to make ornaments and cards), variegated thread, and some charts. I'm so excited! People on my cross stitch message board have told about things like this happening to them but it's my first time. It will be like Christmas.

Our church met at the city park today for a service and then a fish fry. The service was fun because my friend and I were able to play tambourine during worship and the sound system was so loud that we didn't have to worry about offending people. The way we play is that we play certain "patterns" given to us and to other people by God - such as Faith, Covenant, Joy, etc. Each one has a scripture that it comes from. Mark preached on "greatness" and it was very inspiring.

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