Twenty years ago, my mother made me an oversize king-size quilt. Now that I have a queen-size bed, I decided to try to cut it down to fit my bed. It was with a lot of trepidation and encouragement and help from a friend that I cut into it yesterday. Cutting into a gorgeous quilt with a pair of scissors is a very strange feeling! I had to cut two sides in order to shorten it and, while I did the very best I could, it is nowhere near the sewing expertise and excellence of my mother.
I was putting the quilt on my bed and lamenting over the poor way I pieced it together when I shortened it, when I felt like the Lord said, “When you look at a beautiful creation, you don’t see the flaws.” It was true. When I look at that beautiful thing my mom made, my eye isn’t drawn to my flaws. But He wasn’t just talking about the quilt, He was talking about me! We are all His beautiful creations, the work of His hands. He *knit* us together and shaped us. And every one of us has flaws but the flaws don’t matter because we are His beautiful creation. It almost made me cry! Now I will think of that whenever I walk into my room! Isn't it funny how a word from the Lord changes everything?
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