Saturday, August 25, 2012


God is so good to me!  It was my job to take care of the inside of the house and my husband's job to take care of the outside.  We had two strong sons who grew up and did most of the mowing ...  Until my husband became permanently disabled and our sons moved away.  We have about an acre that has to be mowed and the parts that border on fields have to be trimmed back every year, which is a big job too.  So this is what God did for me ...

First of all, when I realized that I was going to have to take care of the yard by myself, I asked my youngest son to teach me.  I didn't even know how to turn on or ride the lawnmower, much less take care of the maintenance for it.  Over his last two summers in high school, he taught me what to do and I was surprised to find that I could do it!  At first, it was even hard to stay on the old red mower and I could only mow part of the yard, but after I practiced, I became fairly adept at handling it.

When the old mower began to fail, I realized that we needed a new one and, even in the middle of all the medical bills and trauma and surgeries, God provided and I was able to purchase a small automatic John Deere.  It had been a dream mower because it's so easy to use.  I also bought a little cart for it to pull and that cart was one of the smartest things I ever bought.  I have used it to carry away the trimmings, to haul gravel and rocks, to carry plants for transplanting, and even to give my grandsons a ride.

The first time I ever mowed the whole yard by myself, I whooped and hollered and was incredibly proud of myself and grateful to God!  Did I mention that we have a sharp hilly ridge in the back yard?  Now I love to mow the yard, probably because it reminds me that with God, all things are possible.

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