I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself now that tax season is basically over. When I got home yesterday I mowed … and it was so much fun! It was simply gorgeous outside and I had a good time working in the yard. I found out that I can hook the little cart to the mower all by myself! I picked up a few pieces of wood, took them to the burn pile and then I poisoned everything that I want dead, including clearing some areas to plant weeping love grass (an ornamental grass that grows in clumps which only get a certain height and never taller).
Here is the great news - my leg didn’t hurt!!! I ended up walking all over the yard instead of riding and noticed that my leg didn’t hurt! I think that God has healed it completely! The other great news is that, even with all that activity, my arm is doing really well. As long as I don’t pick up Gabe, maybe it will heal too!
The yard looks great, laundry is done, the tub is scrubbed, and 10 lbs. of hamburger is cooked and frozen. I reinforced the buttons on 5 tops, applied online for some kind of group lawsuit (I might get $75 some day just because I own a John Deere), made a small cake, ate a salad (with spinach) for lunch, and found a small freezer that I might buy. What a nice, relaxing, fun day!
I got to talk to my neighbor down below when I was outside yesterday and he said he would come in a few days and drag a fallen branch away to the burn pile. I felt like God sent me an angel! He said he has a tiller and will help me prepare to plant the love grass on the hills so I don’t have to try to mow there anymore. I can’t wait!
The best part of the day was when Jesse came over to eat spaghetti with us and we ended up watch “Saving Private Ryan” because it was on and I had never seen it (due to reading and believing a bad review of it). He comes over almost every Saturday for spaghetti and I love catching up on each others’ lives.
A co-worker is holding classes on couponing and she has inspired me to get back into it. It’s a different world now because when I used to do it there was no Internet. I spent some time the other night printing and cutting online coupons and looking at different sales circulars. I am praying that God would teach me how to do this again because it’s fun to get good deals. Yesterday I bought a carton of oats for $.57. I saw on the circular that it was on sale for $1.50 and found a $1 online coupon! I don’t want to go overboard and get obsessed with this but I do want to have fun with it.
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