During tax season, I work full-time and it was amazing how quickly I adjusted to it this year. It's funny how life goes because when I'm working part-time, I am so busy at home that I think there is no way I can work full-time again, but when tax season comes around, everything else falls away and it's easy to work all day.
I used to be scared every time we had to do our taxes and let my husband handle the whole thing. Our tax refund was always our savings and I was scared that we would owe money instead of getting a refund. A few years ago, I had an opportunity to take a tax class with H&R Block. It lasted for months and was very intense, but I was hungry to learn because I was so tired of being scared, so I ate it up and ended up getting the best grade in the class on the final exam. We learned - in detail - what every single line means on the tax return. We learned how to fill out every single federal form - by hand and on the computer. It was very valuable information and I am so grateful for that class because I will never be scared again. Knowledge is a powerful thing!
I love my job! I have the best bosses in the world and the best co-workers too. Even during the chaos of tax season, there is no where else I would rather be.