From “The Shack” by William Paul Young
“As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in me, no matter how small, okay?”
From “The Shack” by William Paul Young
“As much as you are able, rest in what trust you have in me, no matter how small, okay?”
From “The Shack” by William Paul Young
“If I were simply One God and only One Person, then you would find yourself in this Creation without something wonderful, without something essential even. And I would be utterly other than I am.”
“And we would be without …?” Mack didn’t even know how to finish the question.
“Love and relationship. All love and relationship is possible for you only because it already exists within Me, within God myself.”
I have lived my life being a good little girl, doing the things I should do. Some people just have that kind of personality. It’s not a bad thing, but there can be excesses, especially when you have the responsibility for taking care of a chronically ill family member.
I find that I have forgotten how to do the things I *want* to do. Most of the time, I don’t even know what I want - because I am so used to being given (by life or by God or by my overactive conscious) a list of things I *should* do, that I need to do.
A friend of mine, who is a therapist, has been known to tell his clients, “Stop *shoulding* all over yourself!” Good advice! I want to start being more aware of my *wants* and less aware of the *shoulds* in my life.
I bought my serger quite a few years ago because two friends who were avid sewers kept singing the praises of them. For a while I didn’t quite know what to do with it but decided to apply myself diligently to learn how to use it. Now, I don’t know what I did without it! It finishes edges beautifully and quickly and saves me loads of time. I got a White, which is very easy to thread.
I have only recently discovered single fold bias tape. A friend told me that it is wonderful to use to finish armhole edges. I found an online tutorial - See this link - and off I went. What a truly useful product! It is so much fun to use that I actually look forward to doing the armholes! It is easy to use and makes the finished product look professional.
I discovered another trick this time around. My back starts hurting when I sew for a long time but today I tried sitting in my recliner whenever I had to pin and that did the trick! By getting up and moving to a comfortable position, my back lasted several hours longer than usual which enabled me to finish the vest.
My massage was absolutely wonderful! I enjoyed every single second! It is always a very healing experience. It’s like I can feel the stress being forcefully pushed off of my shoulders and back. Because of finances, it was a difficult decision to allow myself this luxury but it is the single most important and good thing that I do for myself every month.
November 1 is always a good day. Because of the time change, I wasn’t able to sleep in very much and have already put together a colorful, healthy, gorgeous, and hopefully delicious vegetable soup in the crock pot. This is my plan from now on - to make a vegetable soup on Sundays - and it only took 10 minutes because I chopped up the veggies when I got home from the grocery store. I’ve been eating huge and wonderful salads every day for lunch too. About a week ago, I asked God to show me how to incorporate vegetables into my life and He did. He has also blessed me with a craving for them that I have never had in my whole life. They are so beautiful and so tasty! Where have they been my whole life?