Here is a photo stocking for Gabe, our new grandson. The first photo is always edged in gold.
Here is Alex's stocking (our 2 yr. old grandson), so you can get an idea of how it looks with photos added each year.
Scrapbooking had become a burden and was not a joy anymore … but then I came across digital scrapbooking several months ago and the fun was restored! I hadn’t even known that such a thing existed! I bought some software that was fairly easy to use and never looked back. Here are some pages I just made of Gabriel’s birth and first two weeks of life. With the last page, I decided to print out the basics and attach a photo myself, instead of inserting it using my computer. I also enhanced it with stickers. Easy and cute!
Church was great. It was good to get out of the house and God spoke to me, which is always wonderful. It would be good for me to listen to a sermon every day. Gabriel did very well - he seems like a very calm, undemanding baby so far - and Alex loves church.
The sermon was about “detours” that God takes us on throughout our life and how we can’t see the purpose but He does. I feel like I’ve been on a huge detour the past few years. One thing that jumped out at me was: “I have ruined you for My purposes.” I can relate to that on so many levels. We must make a decision to believe that God sees things we can’t see and is leading us accordingly.