There is a couple living in NW Arkansas who just gave birth to their 18th child (at the same hospital Eva had Gabe). Every time they have another child, lots of people have to tell me their opinion about this family and, of course, it’s always negative.
About 5 years ago, Eva and I were invited to a baby shower in another city. A woman walked in with 3 or 4 children and I remember being irritated because it was crowded enough without loud little children running around. As the shower progressed, I was drawn to this woman and her children because there was something different about them. Those children were the most well-behaved kids I had ever seen and even the baby (probably about 10 mos. old) seemed very peaceful and sweet. They seemed like happy people and were completely at ease around all the adults. The older ones helped with the baby but the mother had him most of the time.
Later on, when people were leaving, I told the hostess that Eva and Kevin had just decided to move to NW Arkansas and she insisted that we meet this woman because she and her family lived there too. She was very nice and gave Eva her phone number in case she and Kevin needed help unloading the truck or any other kind of help. After she left, the hostess told me that she was the one with all the children. She also told me that if Eva called her, they would have most definitely been there to help.
I wish people would stop judging this family. They don’t even know them. Yes, what they’re doing is very different, but they are godly people raising godly children who will be blessings in this world. They are able to provide for their children and are not on welfare or anything like that, so this is really nobody else’s business. Maybe God has told them that He wants them to have as many children as possible. Maybe that is their calling in this life. I pray that the Lord will help them withstand all the persecution and shine like stars for Him.